It sounds absurd but is extremely convincing, these are 10 classic conspiracy theories in Dragon Ball (P2)
Dragon Ball is one of those series that started way back in 1984. With a series that started that long ago and is still being updated even now, it’s obvious that there will be tons of lore, characters, and elements.
Today let’s take a look at 5 extremely interesting conspiracy theories, please read carefully to find them extremely convincing.
6. Goten was conceived when Goku was in his Super Saiyan form
Goten was definitely conceived before the Cell Game.
This reason seems reasonable when Goten was able to achieve Super Saiyan at such a young age.
7. Belmod and Angel Marcarita have a love relationship

When these two characters appeared, many people imagined them similar to the couple Joker and Harley Quinn.
And according to the author, the fans were right: the two characters in question were indeed meant to be lovers, but Toriyama shot the idea down quite interestingly.
8. Conspiracy of the Angels

As we know, if the universe is erased at the tournament of power, the God of Destruction of that universe will also be erased, but the angels will only stop working.
Although the universe has been revived, many people suspect that the angels have a greater conspiracy.
9. Frieza will become the God of Destruction

Recruited from the afterlife to fight for Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power, Frieza proved himself to be of great power, even to the point of resisting the Energy of Destruction.
One thing in particular is clear: Frieza has no intention of being an honest person and after being restored to life, it seems that Frieza has restarted his army and caused chaos throughout the universe.
More importantly, however, many believe that Frieza’s ultimate goal is to become the God of Destruction or eliminate the gods so that he can be the supreme ruler of existence.
10. Future Zeno is Zamasu

Surely everyone remembers when the immortal Zamasu was seemingly defeated by Trunks, the villain re-emerged as the universe itself, and the Omni King from the future was needed to erase Zamasu from existence.
This Zeno then spends time with Zeno from the present, but it seems like there’s something about him: Current Zeno will say something or strike a pose, and future Zeno will do it for a bit and then
If they are the same, why does one of them continually mess with his or her own, unique characteristics?